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Technology in my classroom using the SAMR method

SAMR is a model for integrating technology into the classroom in a way that is effective, beneficial, and an overall improvement to the learning environment.

Thank you to Kathy Schrock for publishing this image originally

By following this method, the instructor is first substituting a task that would have originally been done by students, like note taking, for a digital version, like GoogleDocs instead of the tradition pen and paper. Next, the instructor strives for augmentation, such as sharing the GoogleDoc with all students so they can collaborate on a project, and insert sub-notes and commenting that isn't available with a traditional pen and paper. The modification step is where the SAMR method really makes a difference in the classroom, because students are able to use technology to achieve academic tasks that weren't available before, allowing them to learn the material in an entire new way, this gives students the tools to redefine the information, and ultimately connect what they have learned with other students or instructors, in a way that is instant and wasn't accessible before technology.


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