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My first time in front of a classroom

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Today was the day that I taught my first mini lesson. I have spent four years talking and writing about why I wanted to be a teacher, how I was going to teach, classroom management, differentiation, teaching styles, learning styles, the list goes on and on. Today I finally got to put it all into practice and stand in front of a classroom.

Was it perfect? Not at all. I learned that I, at least for now, need to have hard copies of the directions for lessons for my students because my verbal skills weren't sufficient enough for some students. I learned that repetition is necessary and repeating directions, essential questions, lesson objectives, and even my name is going to be a part of my daily routine. I learned that some students just don't want to be at school and sometimes I just have to give them their space. I learned that this was my first day in front a classroom and I have a lot to learn.

I also learned how amazing the students are. I was blessed that my first assignment was a critical thinking activity that the students were really excited about. (And, to be honest, the first time they all got to know me was with a fun activity - which helped transition me into the classroom very well!) The students created an invention and it was AMAZING to hear all of the exciting things they came up with. I felt like I was able to know every student by this one activity - students with a passion for animals created inventions to help their pets, a student who loved going sailing in the summer invented a piece for a boat, and a student who was a young activist invented something to help women stay safe while alone. It was a really engaging and interesting activity that helped with critical thinking and presentation skills. This activity just may be used on the first day of class next semester as a way to get to know my students!

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