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Using Podcasts in the Classroom...Why?

There are several reasons why podcasts can be beneficial in social studies classrooms:

- It is a way to record teacher lessons for students that were not present in class

- Podcasts do not need the internet to be viewed and therefore are useful to students with limited access to technology (ex. using old electronics to download podcasts onto so students can listen without internet access)

- Podcasts can be used for teachers to "read aloud" historical documents that may be difficult for their students to understand

- Podcasts can be used for teachers to "read aloud" historical documents for students who may be auditory learners.

- Hundreds of podcast have been published in which historical figures have been reenacted to read their writings, or tell their life story. This is appealing to a variety of learners and may help children retain information better.

- Podcasts are a unique method of student presentation. Students can use podcasts a commentary to teachers, on means of submitting certain reports or projects.

- Podcasts can also be a way of documenting interviews, both student and teacher conducted.

Here are several examples of podcasts, several for all academic areas, including one that I have made in which I help students tackle a sections of the Bill of Rights:'

My Podcast:

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